Giving parents the tips and tools they need to develop future bookworms!

Hi there! I’m Ellen!
I’m a wife, mom to two high-energy boys (ages 7.5 and 4), I have a B.S. in Elementary Education and I’m a recovering reluctant reader myself. I excelled at reading when I first learned how, but over time I began to see reading as a chore and something I dreaded. Sound familiar?
As a recovering reluctant reader, I know that it’s possible and what it takes to find that love of reading when all hope seems lost.
I can’t wait to share with you how you can begin engaging your reluctant reader today!
Why I’m Passionate About Engaging Reluctant Readers
When I became a mom something clicked for me. I realized I didn’t want my son (now sons) to follow in my footsteps. I wanted them to learn to love reading and embrace the magic and joy the journey in reading can provide.
But helping my boys wasn’t enough for me; as a Literacy Coach, I help busy book-loving moms of early elementary-aged reluctant readers, that struggle with lack of motivation or interest in reading, rediscover family reading fun for the whole family!
I strongly believe that having a reading routine that works for you, reading aloud as a family, and utilizing ideas that take you beyond the book in a fun and engaging way are all vital components to keep their skills strong, foster a love of reading and start them on their journey of life-long learning.
I am committed to teaching busy moms how they can help their children fall in love with stories and learning, because as the saying goes – “Children are made readers in the laps of their parents.”
My Developing Ravenous Readers Club gives busy book-loving moms the tools and support they need to intrigue and inspire their young readers and combat any other reading roadblocks their facing so they can create lasting memories and bond together over stories while ensuring they’re on the path to become lifelong learners.
To learn more about the Developing Ravenous Readers Club (DRRC) and how to join, click the button below!
A Few of My Favorite Things

My First Reading Library
This comprehensive first reading library includes 50 books to guide your child through the first stages of reading and includes access to online resources.
Beginning with the first 22 books, your child takes the first steps in reading with your help, with each book focused on building select phonics skills. The other half of the set continues to increase in difficulty to stretch their skills, while building reading confidence and stamina as they develop into independent readers!
Check out what others are saying here!

Fantastic E-books and videos for kids! Their library of books is constantly growing, full of STEAM friendly options, they offer “follow along read-to-me” books, quizzes to test knowledge and motivational badges and awards to help gamify reading.
I prefer the unlimited option, you can try a FREE month here, only $9.99/month after that and you get unlimited access to books and videos that your child is sure to enjoy.*
*Full transparency, this is a referral link.
**There is a free version, however you’re limited to one book per day. It’s still worth it if the unlimited version doesn’t fit your budget.

Explore! America’s National Parks
This is a must-have treasure for all nature lovers out there! Complete with consultancy from a real Park Ranger, this book is organized by region, shares detailed histories, discusses local flora and fauna, and includes not-to-be missed sights and experiences. In addition to all that there are helpful tips for what to pack when camping and hiking, highlights on environmental issues, endangered animals, park protection and so much more!
Oh and by the way…did you know that all 4th GRADERS get a FREE PASS to visit national parks across the country for a YEAR?
Fill out the contact form below and select “Info about National Parks pass for 4th Graders!” if you’d like to learn more, and don’t forget to grab a copy of Explore! America’s National Parks to take with you on your adventures!

Do you want to make reading even more fun in your home?
Snag the Read the Rainbow Challenge, complete with a video from me with a few tips and tricks to make it even more engaging and exciting for your reader.
I hope you’ll continue to hang out with me in email-land where you’ll receive tips for engaging your reluctant reader and other important updates!
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